
Bridelia micrantha


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At a Glance
HeightUp to 20m
SA Tree Number324
Conservation StatusLeast Concern


This tree is also know as the Coastal Golden Leaf.

Medium to large deciduous tree with spreading crown. Bark greyish brown, flaky, rough in older specimens, sometimes with small blunt spines at bottom of trunks or on branches.

Leaves alternate, elliptic to obovate, 40–180 x 25–120 mm, usually 70–80 x 35–40 mm, dark green, glossy above, paler green below, frequently bright orange in autumn.


Found in coastal, riverine and swamp forest, usually in moist places in the Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo Province, in the Lower Sourveld of Mpumalanga, in Zimbabwe and up to Ethiopia and Senegal.

Flower - Fruit

Flowers in small tight yellow clusters (Oct – Dec)
Fruit an oval berry, 8 x 4 mm, black when mature, edible and sweet tasting (Jan – Mar)


Has an attractive dark brown fine grain and makes fine furniture.
The fruit is sweet and edible.
It is very fast growing and suitable as a shade tree.

Local Information

A very common tree in the Kloof area.

Interesting Facts

This is a good tree for butterflies and is host to a number of caterpillar species.
The name “micrantha” means “small flowered”


Bridelia micrantha


Izikhathi zonyakaSilahla amaqabunga ebusika.
UbudeBungaba u 20m
SA Tree Number324
Conservation IsimoLincane.


Ubuphakathi kuya ebukhulwini bedeciduous nokusaphaza umqhele. Amaxolo aluthuthu ngokunsundu, nezicwecwana, kumaholo kusilinganiso esidala, kokunye nomgogodla omncane onqundekile ezansi nogodo noma emagatsheni. Amaqabunga aphambanisiweyo, afingqiwe kuyaku obovate, 40-180 x 25-120mm ngenjwayelo 70-80 x 35-40mm, kuluhlaza ngokuphaphatheka, kulibhodlela ngaphezulu kuluhlaza ngokumhloshana ngaphansi, kuwolintshi ngokugqamile njaloenkwindla.


Kutholakala ogwini, emifudlaneni kanye nasemahlathini asemaxhaphozini, ngemvama kuzindawo eziswakeme e-Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo Province, nakwi-Lower Sourveld ye-Mpumalanga, e-Zimbabwe kuse kuyofika ko-Ethiopia nase-Senegal.

Izimbali/ Nezithelo

Izimbali kwisixheke esincane esiphuzi esihlangene (Mfumfu-Zibandlela)
Isithelo uhlamvu olumakhophelana, 8x4mm, kumnyama uma kuvuthiwe, anokudliwa futhi anambitheka ngokusashukela (Masingana-Ndasa)


Sinokuheha kwezinhlamvu ezicolekile ezinsundu ngokuphaphatheka. Futhi zenza impahla yasendlini ecolekile Isithelo siyanambitheka sashukela futhi singadliwa. Sikhula ngokushesha kanti silungele ukuba umthunzi lesihlahla.

Ulwazi Lwendawo

Sitholakala kakhulu endaweni yase Kloof lesihlahla.


Lesihlahla singesihlekumavemvane kanye nokubamba isibalo sezinhlobo zemicimbi.